Pedigree For: |
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Great Great Grand Parents: |
CH Heartland's Harpo Of POE
CAN CH Mythical To Heck With It
Mythical Star Wars Princess
BISS GCH CH Mythical Easy As Heck ROM (Kert)
CAN CH Chriscendo Central Park
CAN CH Mythical Walk In The Park
Mythical Laugh Out Loud
Best In Show Specialty, Multi- Reserve Best In Show, Multi-Group Winning & Multi-Group Placing
MRBIS BISS GCHS CH Charm City's Virginia Black DCAT GC (Drake)
AKC Fast Cat Title, CHIC #165973, Health Testing (OFA), Embark Testing
Yingyang Lindt Star
Hasan Han Usmanskiy
Rus Haus Vorhut Hilda Brown
AKC Champion
CH Rus Haus Vorhut Fantasy For Charm City (Fantasy)
Health Testing (OFA), Embark Testing
YingYang See's Candy
Rus Haus Vorhut Sharlota Rempling
Shvars Kaizer Fiolla
AKC Pointed, Visiting Texas
Charm City's Watch Your Black (Vanta)
Health Tested (OFA), CHIC #190927, Embark Testing
CH Heartland's Knight N Day
AKC Champion
GCH AM/CAN CH Her-She's What Women Want RN NAP NJP CGC
Her-She's Cocoa Kisses
Her-She's Mocha Latte'
Janesa's Lindt Excellence
CH Castile's White Mokha
Horizon Reigning Almond Kisses
AKC Champion
CH Nightsky's Secret Sauce (Ganache)
CHIC #165974, Health Testing (OFA), Embark Testing
CH CR N Dreamweavers Royal Affair
AKC Champion
CH CR Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (Charlie)
Championship Earned May 2017
CAN CH Chriscendo Come To Th' Darkside
Dee Little Brown Nosin The Boss
GCHB CH Dee Little Who's The Boss
CH Silhouettes Sleepin With The Boss
Sunterra Sweet Surrender