Charm City’s Crime Of Passion (Pasha)

Charm City’s Crime Of Passion (Pasha)

Pedigree For: Parents: Grand Parents: Great Grand Parents: Great Great Grand Parents:
Am/Int/Multi Ch. Unbeaten Premiera (2015 APC BOW) Am/Int/Multi Ch. Unbeaten Premiera (2015 APC BOW)
AM/CAN CH Thai Silk Golden Legend AM/CAN CH Thai Silk Golden Legend
RUS CH Thai Silk Right Now New Star Hloya RUS CH Thai Silk Right Now New Star Hloya
CAN CH Chriscendo Cornerstone (Dawson) CAN CH Chriscendo Cornerstone (Dawson)
AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Connoisseur AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Connoisseur
Chriscendo Can't Deny Chriscendo Can't Deny
AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Can't Surrender AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Can't Surrender
Am/Can CH Chriscendo Charmed Robbery (Luther) Am/Can CH Chriscendo Charmed Robbery (Luther) CHIC #198889
  • Color: Black & Tan
AM/CAN CH Starlight Super Star AM/CAN CH Starlight Super Star
MBIS MBISS AM/CAN GCH Sunterra Sudden Impact MBIS MBISS AM/CAN GCH Sunterra Sudden Impact
Cheyenne's Precious Delivery Cheyenne's Precious Delivery
CAN CH Chriscendo Charmed N Dangerous CAN CH Chriscendo Charmed N Dangerous
AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Connoisseur AM/CAN CH Chriscendo Connoisseur
BIS CAN CH Chriscendo Consequence BIS CAN CH Chriscendo Consequence
Chriscendo Colombianna Chriscendo Colombianna
Charm City’s Crime Of Passion (Pasha) Charm City’s Crime Of Passion (Pasha)
Janesa's Snickers Of Canton Janesa's Snickers Of Canton
Yingyang Menthol Mink Yingyang Menthol Mink
Llolapalooza Chocolate Mint Llolapalooza Chocolate Mint
CH Pom Galaxy Cappuccino FCAT (Cappie) AKC Champion CH Pom Galaxy Cappuccino FCAT (Cappie) 1st in Stud Dog at 2022 APC Nationals, AKC Fast Cat Title, Health Testing (OFA), Embark (Genetic) Testing
  • Color: Chocolate
YingYang See's Candy YingYang See's Candy
Pom Galaxy Taffi Pom Galaxy Taffi
Char's Mocha Latte Parti Char's Mocha Latte Parti
GCH CH Charm City’s Espresso Yourself (Vogue) AKC Champion GCH CH Charm City’s Espresso Yourself (Vogue) Embark Tested, Health Tested (OFA), CHIC #190928
  • Color: Chocolate
GCHG CH Castile's Endless Love HOF (Apollo) GCHG CH Castile's Endless Love HOF (Apollo)
  • Color: Orange Sable
CH Castile's Forever Love CH Castile's Forever Love
Castile's Chocolate Passion Castile's Chocolate Passion
Fayrwynes Money Moves To Charm City (Cardi B) AKC Pointed Fayrwynes Money Moves To Charm City (Cardi B) CHIC #155217, Health Testing (OFA), Embark Testing
  • Color: Chocolate Sable
Expressions As It Should Be (Ashby) Expressions As It Should Be (Ashby)
Expression N Kali's Save The Drama
Expression N Kali Get It While You Can (Joplin) Expression N Kali Get It While You Can (Joplin)