Check 'Available' Page for Puppies 

Updated: 03/20/2025


Any puppies that I have will not be available until after they are fully vet checked and evaluated, and will not be able to go to their new homes until 10-12 weeks of age (although some tinies and those needing further evaluation may stay here longer). This is for your protection - and allows me to give better insight to the puppy's temperament, size prediction and personality. 

The process that I use to raise litters is thoughtful and considerate of not only the puppy's developmental stage but also the mother's natural instinct to protect her offspring. I am a small, in-home hobby breeder, all of my dogs live in my home with me and my teenage son. Puppies are whelped in my bedroom and stay in there for the first week or so, after that they are moved across the hall into the nursery bedroom, until they are 4-6 weeks. During their time in the nursery, they are exposed to family members and mom only, they are raised with ENS protocols, given lots of stimulating activities and snuggles from the human family. Once the puppies are starting to wean, they are moved into the living room, so that they are surrounded by the day-to-day goings on of a typical household and the other dogs. Each day we spend lots of time socializing and playing with the puppies, and they are introduced to the other poms in the house. After the puppies have their clean bill of health and first vaccine, they are exposed to lots of new places. I love bringing them to shows, to my office and, out to various parks for socialization and desensitization. 


Applications for a puppy will be open after they are evaluated.

Puppy Application

Pomeranians are my hobby and passion, not a source of income for me. The highest bidder or first in line may not be the right home for a puppy.
As carefully as I plan each breeding and care for each puppy and adult, I will be equally as careful placing any companion puppies in their perfect home. 


Two Boys

Date of Birth: March 20th, 2025

  • Best In Show Specialty, Multi- Reserve Best In Show, Multi-Group Winning & Multi-Group Placing

MRBIS BISS GCHS CH Charm City's Virginia Black DCAT GC (Drake)

  • AKC Fast Cat Title
  • CHIC #165973
  • Health Testing (OFA)
  • Embark Testing

Charm City's My Fair Lady FCAT2 TKI (Eliza)

  • Eliza lives with co-owners Brittany Bohn & Alexander Bruns, working on performance titles
  • AKC Trick Dog Title
  • AKC Fast Cat Title
  • Embark Testing
  • CHIC #153620
  • Health Testing (OFA)

Two Girls

Date of Birth: January 10th, 2025

Charm City's Can't Buy Me Love (Yoko)

  • CHIC #199326
  • Health Tested (OFA)
  • Embark Testing (DNA)