Companion Puppies



Companion puppies are occasionally available. Please click the link on the page to fill out an APPLICATION for a puppy. Pomeranian litters are small, and I am always breeding for my next show dog, so not every puppy will be placed as a companion.

Available Companion Puppies are $3,500 unless otherwise noted 

Retirees & Guardianship

In order to give my poms the individual attention they deserve, it is sometimes best to place an older pom in a home where they will receive one-on-one of attention.

Retired poms, are spayed/neutered before placement, and placed in homes where they can be pampered pets.

Guardianship agreements are for poms, who are still valuable to my program, but would be suited to a pet home, to get one on one attention. The poms would remain intact, for collection or breeding at various times.

All of the adults here, are raised in my home, and the transition into your home should be a relatively easy adjustment. They are all potty trained, and accustomed to the daily life of being a house pet. 

If you think you could provide a loving home for one of our adults, please reach out.

COST FOR RETIREE IS REIMBURSEMENT OF DE-SEX & DENTAL. Pricing will vary, but veterinary bill will be provided and will determine final cost. A budget of $1,000 is reasonable to expect. 




Accepting Applications

Accepting Applications